"Follow your emotions and desires"

"BLACK AND WHITE" by Eureka C. Bianzon

11/07/2013 11:39

In life things are not always black, and not always white.Differences make us beautiful as human being, differences of which we could able to find our own strength, our own perspective and values inside and out. Situations are not always right, there are times that it can be wrong, even humans are all different, we are not the same, yet things ,situations, humans in their own uniqueness is fine, in our endeavor we ought to learn and dig lessons even more. If there’s a downfall definitely a time will come that we will soar high, we are not on our journey to expect the things will always be the same,not always wrong,not always right,not always black and not always white.Sometimes success happens during our most unexpected times.

“Majority of us experienced hardships, failures, before we tasted success in life, yet life is a continuous learning process, it won’t just end there in a word “success “we will still face more complexity to test our capability of accepting challenges lying in front of us, this is how to spend the real, good, capable life.

Some renowned people in the world, popular leaders, and famous celebrities experienced tremendous triumphs, excruciating failures even, before they reached where they are now.

“Black and White situations “referred to as character building, our determination would reach something bigger, our hope will not be just “A hope “if we will strive for more, as what “I’ve imparted with one of my written poem” we should “KEEP THE FAITH and TRAVAIL OF TRYING” then we should keep struggling on  our path and pursue our goals.

“Never compare your life situation, your own failures, identity to others, don’t even think about

your failures in bigger ways, all you can do is to get over it, “ONLY YOU AND YOUR FAITH IN

HEAVENLY FATHER” will help you, yes it’s true, we can’t depend ourselves with other people,

Our path, our life depends on our “OWN CHOICE” and “OUR OWN DECISION”.

Life is meaningful if we would give ourselves the chance to give color on it.

“Our life is God’s most precious gift”, and the color that wraps on it depends on us”

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